Written by Callie
Okay, so I’m not sure if this is cheating but I wrote a blog over on my Local Pines website today talking about the hype we got last year for our Name Puzzles.
Life is kind of crazy right now as Kenzie is basically working two jobs and has a super secret plan in the works, Brenna is coming up on her last months of school and working in the pandemic with crazy kids is like way tiring, and I’m moving in like four days so we’re kind of taking a small break from R&R.
But I’m trying to make Local Pines and Cloverhouse my full time jobs for when I move so I can’t take a break from them. So if you want to read about the name puzzles click over to my website and give it a read!
Thanks for being here and sticking with us as we wade through the tougher times of life and have less time to devote to R&R. We love y’all!