Photo Aug 18, 6 58 38 PM.jpg

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As the World Rambles On: August Edition

As the World Rambles On: August Edition

Written by Callie, Kenzie and Brenna

Well hello, September. How did you get here so fast? We’re coming at you on a Wednesday this week because reasons.


I am so ready for some colder weather. I look good in some jeans and sweaters and I’m dying to break them all out again. So August was THE month for LPC. I reached out to a blogger I follow, Dani Austin, and asked if she would want a name puzzle for her baby that’s on the way she said yes and so I sent one. Didn’t hear for a while from her about and then all of a sudden on Monday night she uses the name puzzle in a photo to announce her baby’s name! And we got over 200 new instagram followers and 13 puzzle orders that night! It was absolutely insane and I was freaking out for the rest of the night. The days after were slower but we were still getting orders like crazy. So much so that the family (which includes Brenna and Claire) had to come and help us paint all the letters one weekend!

While they were here that Saturday night Kenzie goes into the main guest bedroom/bathroom only to find it overflowing with water. This is at 11:30 pm and I am NOT a late night person. There was quite a bit of water so we immediately got to work trying to sop up as much water as we could while Jason started ripping up floor boards. The next day they helped move everything into the other bedroom so over the week Jason and I could rip up the rest of the floor (we had started from the wrong side so ripped and ruined boards and will most likely have to buy all new flooring. Boo) and paint. Because the floor was ripped up and we didn’t like the paint color of that room anyway we decided to paint.

But the next weekend when we were painting the room we discovered that one the previous owners were the worst painters ever (but we already knew that from touch ups and painting after the house was leveled) and two they had horrible taste. The ceiling in that room is NOT white! Who does that?!? Ceilings are supposed to be flat white. Nothing else. But no it’s some weird sea foam green color that’s hideous and now with the new paint color you can really tell so we’re gonna have to paint the ceiling now too.

In addition to the mostly name puzzle making we did in August we also did make it out to Jason’s family ranch for a weekend (though I had to bring letters to paint) to celebrate our nieces’ birthday and we’re going back this upcoming weekend for the one of the other nieces’ birthday. It’s so fun going to the ranch and hanging out with all the kids. This weekend I think we’re planning on bringing the projector and watching a movie outside so pray that it cools down by then!


Well August started off with the opening of the coffee cart! Galavants (Instagram here) has been quite the adventure and I’m so glad Brad and I are undertaking it. It’s a lot of work, a lot of figuring things out, and a lot of problem solving, but also a lot of satisfaction and pride to see it all finally come together.

The other big news is that I got a raise at work which I really appreciate and may have enough money to start fixing up Vinny again soon! I seriously need some practice driving it, but should probably get the brakes fixed first. You know, for safety reasons.

Mom, Claire, and I took a short overnight trip to the beach this month and I feel like that was very needed. I got to take Apollo and he LOVES the beach and I even got him a life jacket so I wouldn’t be so worried about him drowning (because his head is too top-heavy for his body and all that) and he was too cute! I also collected a lot of sea glass, saw a lot of stars and a really pretty sunrise all to myself and Apollo and got a sunburn that eventually turned to a tan.

Other than that, we all got to go up and visit Callie and Jason and help with their DOZENS of name puzzles and the rest of August consisted of plants, cakes, crafts, the usual schedule really. I’m so ready for the fall weather and sweaters and not choking on humidity every time I step out of the door, even at 6:30 AM. I’m over it and I am fully prepared for hot tea and reading under a blanket outside on the hammock.

Also, the coral vine is starting to bloom and I’m obsessed (maybe not as much as Callie who literally wants to be coral vine) and I’ve also been getting back into photography and videography just a bit and have really been enjoying that.


Y’all August was one hell of a month! Once again, I blinked and it was over but that’s probably because I was super busy doing all the things! School started back up for teachers at the very beginning of the month so I was busy redecorating my NEW classroom PLUS wrapping up two other rooms that I was asked to revamp. So that was fun! We started virtual learning on the 12th and I’ve been zooming my little heart out ever since.

Other than putting my teacher hat back on, I spent a lot of time with mom (I just love her) and working out (not a surprise). I’ve got new goals at OTF and look forward to participating in the Dri-Tri later this month. I also would like to note that I made a HUGE effort to work on saying no more often and taking it easy when I know I need to. My goal for this school year is to slow down and be okay with not going 100 mph at all times. I feel like I’m missing the good times because I’m so worried about staying super busy. So

You already know this but I spent a weekend in Fort Worth helping Callie paint and get orders filled for her little side gig! We had a blast literally doing nothing but snacking, estate sale hunting and painting. By far, my favorite memory that weekend was when her back bedroom flooded and we had to move all of the furniture out. That sounds weird as hell but y’all we only talked in Jersey accents while moving all that crap out and it was so funny. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.

Y’all! Brayton graduated from Welding School and Bo renovated mom’s new laundry room while in the midst of renovating his sweet girlfriend’s new barber shop! I am so proud of them both and love their servant hearts. If you know anything about mom, she cares a wild amount about having the perfect laundry room and Bo made sure to give her just that!

If you haven’t figured this out already, there are a ton of birthdays we celebrate all within a week of each other. So we kicked off the end of August by celebrating mine and Lauren’s birthday at Ruth’s Chris in Houston which was so good! Then we had brunch for Brayton’s 21st birthday and Honor Cafe which was also equally as yummy and such a neat restaurant that had so much to look at. So I feel like all I’ve done for the last week is eat! Am I complaining? Absolutely not but don’t judge me if you see me and it looks like all I’ve done is eat. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Que the picture dump below. (coming soon because reasons)

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