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As the World Rambles On: June Edition

As the World Rambles On: June Edition

Written by: Callie, Kenzie, and Brenna

Happy July! Finally, this year is over halfway over cause it just keeps getting… stranger. I swear, the months just keep blurring together without ever doing much. At least it feels that way. Nonetheless, read on to hear all about what we did in June!


A couple of good things that happened in June for me that I can think of off the top of my head: I’ve been reading more - yay! and I’ve also been doing more creative things which I’ve really enjoyed and I’m really happy about. I’ve been trying more cake decorating techniques at work and trying out new desserts at home and also trying a couple of art ideas from TikTok. Let me tell you, I’m no good at drawing but somehow, TikTok makes it seem more possible and it’s been fun trying.


Me and the parents got to spend father’s day weekend up in Fort Worth with Callie and Jason which is always super fun! I always come home with an armful of herbs from their little garden out back to dry and they made a lot of cool projects for me to give to friends in Conroe and I usually get to help decorate a room in their house because I can’t stand bare walls lol.


I went on a few little adventures this past month which has helped quell the need for a big trip slightly. Brad and I tried Xela Roasters for the first time in Houston which was fun and Claire and I went to Mercer Botanical Gardens to see some pretty flowers. I always like to see pretty flowers.


Last big thing for the month was that I chopped my hair again. I was getting real tired of it always being in my way so I went pretty short. I love having curly hair because it hides any uneven-ness in my home haircuts, but this go around, Mom helped me even it out and she even cut layers into it and honestly, this is the most I’ve liked my hair since I got it cut at a fancy shmancy salon in Houston that was too expensive and too far away. And that was like three years ago.

Obligatory photo of Apollo.

Obligatory photo of Apollo.

I’m ready for the heat to be over now. I know that the worst of it probably isn’t even over yet but I am sooo ready for fall. In July, I’m going to try to continue to focus on doing the hobbies I enjoy, spending time outside - yes, even in the heat - and slow living as much as I can while still getting things done. Hope y’all are all doing well and sharing some compassion and empathy when you can.


Y’all I feel so lame like I don’t have too much to talk about for this month. The first weekend in June we spent at the ranch to celebrate Jason’s parents 50th wedding anniversary! His sisters but on this great party with a three course dinner and decorated their house so perfectly! It was a great weekend!

The next weekend was great too because we met up with all of his family again and went to the beach. His family does this every year and it’s always so much fun. It was a little different this year because not everyone could go but I love the beach trip and love hanging out with his giant family.

The weekend after that my family came up to hang out with me and Jason in Fort Worth. As Kenzie stated above she and mom decorated my front bedroom because it was atrocious (it’s still not great so they’ll have more things to work on for the next time). We made some cool things on the CNC machine for Kenzie to give as gifts and a Bronco sign for dad. We also tried to make macarons again and failed again. Though they weren’t terrible.

And the last weekend Jason and I stayed in Fort Worth and tried to catch up on random things around the house.

My day job is slowing just the tinniest bit and I’m grateful (though I wish it would slow down just little bit more). LPC has been rolling along. We sell a lot of name puzzles and a customer asked for a custom shape puzzle so that was fun to make! Of course it’s still not anywhere near profitable enough to be a full time job sadly, so I guess I’ll just keep working all day and crafting at night.


I wish I could get on here and tell you about all the things I did in June that were fun and eventful but honestly, June was a weird ass month for me. I sat in a sad funk for probably three weeks and did nothing other than workout, lay out with Lindsey, lay on the couch and side gig it with Emily. We made more balloon arches in June than probably ever before. Have I mentioned how much I like doing those? Well I do.

 I spent a day at my old principal’s new school hand lettering stuff for her so I guess you could say I’m out of my hand lettering hiatus. It ended up being like 30 things I did throughout the school and I was quickly reminded how much I love doing that. Even if I erase a perfectly fine sign 20-something times so that I can get it right.

 The second-grade team got together towards the end of the month for dinner and we had such a good time catching up and bonding! I can’t wait for school to start and I’m praying every day that it will be face to face instruction because I am OVER doing everything online. I want to be around people again and not in front of a computer all day!


 OH! I managed to lose all of the quarantine weight I gained. Which was a solid 8 pounds. So thank you Orangetheory for the help. Also, did you know if you’re staying properly hydrated and not eating your feelings the weight just disappears? Yeah me either until now. Try it out!

 I know my update isn’t very long this month but I really didn’t do a whole lot. However, July is a lot busier so I can assure you my update next month will be a lot more entertaining! So bear with me because I think everyone should get one funky month out of the year.

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