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My Weekend Morning Routine

My Weekend Morning Routine

Written by: Kenzie

Lately, I feel like I’ve been living for the weekend which I realize is a bit sad but it is what it is for the time being at least so I roll with it. That being said, I absolutely love the weekends. It’s a time for me to sleep in a little, actually eat breakfast, and get more personal projects done instead of just work things.

I especially love weekend mornings so I wanted to share with you a typical Saturday morning for me. I enjoy the morning time because I feel like I’m very productive and able to get a whole lot done when I still have the whole day ahead of me.

Typically, I wake up around 7:30 or so and brush my teeth because honestly, if I don’t do it right when I wake up, it may not get done that day. Gross, I know but that’s the truth. Also, I don’t typically wash my face in the morning. That may also be gross to some people but I wash my face in the shower at night and in the mornings, I use a toner, moisturizer, and face mist and that’s it! I’m currently working on switching all my skincare products to completely all natural but you can read about my skincare routine and the products I use and would totally recommend here.


Next, I’ll make myself either a cup of coffee or a hot cup of tea. If I’m feeling fancy, I’ll do a dalgona coffee or layered iced latte because 1) they’re delicious and 2) they make for great photos. To wake up a bit more, I’ll either read (currently on the last book of The Shades of Magic series) or scroll through Insta and check emails. Apollo is always nearby which is a huge mood booster because he is the cutest so that’s another pro about the weekend is that I get to hang out with Apollo more.


Eventually, I make breakfast for everyone. My favorites are homemade biscuits and gravy, a breakfast hash, or pancakes. Side note, I’m always trying new recipes for biscuits to make sure I have the absolute best one. So far, this one is my favorite in case you need a good biscuit recipe.


By this time it’s probably around 9 or 9:30 and I’ll either get dressed or stay in my pjs because honestly pjs are the best and get to work on projects! Currently, my weekend projects consist of working on things for Galavants, the coffee cart Brad and I opened or house projects because we are still in the midst of all the renovations.

No matter what though, the weekend always feels just a bit too short.

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