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Kitchen Tools I Love

Kitchen Tools I Love

Written by Brenna

So all this staying at home business has me in the kitchen baking up a storm lately. I thought now would be a better time than ever to tell y’all about some kitchen tools we love and why! I can thank my dad for the kitchen tool obsession… I get some sort of something kitchen related for Christmas from him every year and it’s just the best.

Let me go ahead and tell you now that some of this stuff is pricey but worth it. I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think you needed it in your kitchen.

KitchenAid Mixer

This is by far my favorite tool. You can do so much with it and they are built to last. I’ve had mine for almost seven years and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. You can sometimes find them on sale at like Target or Macy’s and if you do, don’t hesitate to buy it on the spot. You won’t regret it.

Additional Bowls

So if you didn’t know this, KitchenAid makes cute bowls for your mixer other than the stainless steel bowl that comes with it. I have the ceramic AND glass bowl. I think you should have an additional one because if you’re making icing or something you can just switch out your bowls without having to wash it in between. If that makes me lazy, I’m fine with it.

Flex-Edge Beater

I am loyal to this beater. It literally scrapes the edge of the bowl for you. Money well spent if you ask me.

Good Spatulas

Y’all, there is a difference between a good and a bad spatula and I’m here to share the good ones with y’all. By that I mean the super thin ones that are great for scooping up cookies and moving them to the cooling rack without crumbling them all up. But also, you need a good spatula for scraping down the sides of your bowls, one for cooking eggs and one for everything else. I might be the only one who is weird about spatulas. Either way, these three are my absolute favorite when it comes to baking. #sorrynotsorry

Unusual Measuring Spoons

Have you ever come across a recipe that required a pinch or a dash of something? Don’t worry for one sec because I’ve got you covered! These are lifesavers and definitely a staple you need in your kitchen. Especially if you suffer from anxiety when you can’t follow a recipe to a T. (that’s me)

Meat Masher

Game changer for browning meat in a pan. I feel like this might be the unsung kitchen hero but that’s just me. Step up your Taco Tuesday game with this bad boy.

Oil Sprayer

This is probably one of my favorites because you can fill it with whatever oil you prefer. I’m currently hooked on cooking with avocado oil. It heats up quicker than olive oil and has a more neutral taste. I could go on but we aren’t here to talk oils…Trust me, this beats buying freaking Pam. Step up your game.

Cookie Scooper

Do you want perfectly shaped cookies every single time? Buy this. You’re welcome.

So there you have it! My favorite kitchen tools all bundled up nicely in one post. We don’t get paid or anything for promoting this stuff but you can totally click on the picture to be taken to a link to order something. It’s THAT good.

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