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5 Quick Switches for a More Sustainable Kitchen

5 Quick Switches for a More Sustainable Kitchen

Written by: Kenzie

Recently, I’ve been attempting to be more mindful of my actions and how they affect the environment and the world around me. Go ahead, call me a hippie. But in reality, it isn’t terribly hard to make some swaps for a more sustainable lifestyle. For now, I’m just focusing on the things I can afford and can easily do (opting for re-usable cups instead of plastic water bottles, avoiding straws when possible, that sort of thing). So today, I wanted to share 5 simple switches that can help your kitchen be more sustainable.

I focused on super affordable switches and things that are pretty easy to do and not inconvenient. In this day and age, convenience is king and I get that, what am I gonna do about it? So, if you’re able to make these swaps, I encourage it! If not, I understand that too. See, I’m super easy-going just like those old hippie stereotypes.

  1. Use beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap.

    By now, pretty much everyone knows that dangers of plastic to the environment. So, to help reduce your plastic waste, switch from plastic wrap to beeswax wraps. They’re good for the environment and they’re also wayyyyy cuter. Another plus to sustainable living is that it’s much more aesthetic than ugly and boring plastic.

    You can buy beeswax wraps pretty much anywhere these day, but I really like this company LINK. Or if you’re searching for another quarantine craft, make your own with this tutorial!


2. Buy in bulk when you can.

Now, I realize we don’t all have the space to store giant bags of sugar, but when you can, buying bulk not only saves money, but also reduces the amount of packaging that goes out into the world and gets thrown into landfills. This one is a bit of a double-edged sword, because you should only buy in bulk things that won’t expire before you’re able to use them. Opt for products with a long shelf life like beans, pasta, and rice.

I like to store the big stuff in another room and re-fill pretty containers when needed.

3. Opt for re-usable produce and shopping bags.


This one is super east to do because you can get re-useable bags pretty much anywhere and a lot of people already have. They’re cute, hold a lot, and you don’t have to be afraid of them ripping with a big jug of milk inside. Something that people think about less is using those little plastic bags in the produce section. There’s lots of great options for reusable produce bags out there as well. Just store them in your cute grocery tote so they’re already ready on your next trip to the store! I like to keep my grocery tote next to the front door or in my car so I’m less likely to forget to bring it into the store.

4. Ditch the Ziplocs for re-usable baggies.


This one can be a bit pricier, especially if you opt for the Stasher brand that everyone is talking about. They’re super pretty and super durable and are definitely a great investment. However, if you’re not ready to spend the big bugs (or ask for Stasher bags for your birthday like I’m planning on doing) there’s plenty of other more affordable options like these or these.

5. Use cloth rags instead of paper towels.

This one is both simple and affordable. Rags are cheap and reusable, just toss them in the washer when they get too dirty. Also, if you' want to make dusting wipes that smell great, here’s an easy DIY and you can store them in pretty glass jars so they’re actually attractive and you’ll remember to use them!

Just like everyone, I’m a work in progress and slip up a lot, but trying to live a more sustainable life is something that I’m really trying to work into my everyday and I gotta say, it feels great! If you’re able to incorporate any of these swaps, I wanna hear about it here or on Instagram and I’ll leave you with this Native American proverb and let’s build a better tomorrow.

“We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

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