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A Few Things We're Annoyed with Currently

A Few Things We're Annoyed with Currently

Written by Brenna, Kenzie, and Callie

So we all know sometimes things just really get to you and grind on your nerves. Especially now when you’re locked up in quarantine. We thought we’d have a little fun this week and share a few of the things that have been particularly annoying to us lately. Also, we’d love to hear your annoyances in the comments because sometimes you just need to vent and we get that!

So please enjoy this collective rant from the R&R girls.


  1. The stickers on the floors in stores that tell you where to go. I don’t know why but that just really annoys me. I want to go about my merry way in a store and not be told otherwise! Like no Homegoods, I’m not cool with going one way down an aisle and then not being able to cut across from dishes to stationary. I get the purpose but good grief!

  2. The never-ending pile of laundry. You would think 17 people live in this tiny ass apartment by the amount of laundry I do weekly. “Oh but Brenna it’s like the quarantine or whatever… aren’t you in pajamas all day?” DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME? Hell no. I’m about walking (and now back at OTF) sweating up a storm. I just don’t know where it all comes from. I used to enjoy doing laundry but I’ve about had enough of folding JT’s delicates. Which brings me to a new thought… Why do I feel like I need to fold Jt’s delicates when I just wad mine all up?


  1. Accidentally deleting an entire blog I’m working on.

    If you read last week’s blog, you know that while I was trying to finish it on time, I deleted the whole dang thing not once, but twice! I guess that’s what I get for waiting until the last day to finish it, but my goodness it was driving me crazy.

  2. Not having time for all the things.

    I have all these good intentions of taking fabulous photos, picking up where I left off on my novel writing, creating cool art - but I’m back at work and when I get home from work, I’m too tired to do all the things I want to do! Maybe I should just pound three espresso shots and quit whining, but it really does get me down when I’m too busy doing things I’m not particularly passionate about and then not having time for the things I really want to get done or work on.


  1. Work Not Slowing/Stopping

    So if you’ve been here for a little while you may have noticed that I really never stopped working. Since I work for a small business that doesn’t have many employees or people that come in to shop we were never included in the places that had to shut down. I got maybe 3 days off because it was so slow. But then the next week (when people started to get their stimulus checks) we exploded. The most orders EVER. And while it’s good for the business as a whole it was incredibly frustrating for me and really really hard to keep up with orders. Luckily we got them all out but the fact that our boss was so scared of this virus but still made us come in to work kind of got to me.

  2. The Never Ending Pile of Dishes/Laundry

    I’m quite sure a few of you are probably familiar with this particular annoyance. It’s just like they never stop. And I don’t even have kids! It’s just me and Jason and it still just seems to always be looming over me. Doesn’t help that I abhor those chores in particular.

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