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Current Obsessions

Current Obsessions

Written by: Brenna, Callie, and Kenzie

We have another collaborative post this week for y’all! We all go through phases of finding new products or companies or activities that we really - and I mean really - like.

Callie’s Obsessions

  1. First off we have Dots pretzels. Holy cow these things are so freaking good! Dani Austin, a blogger I follow, talked about them a few months ago and I didn’t think too much about them. But then they were on an end cap at Target one time so I grabbed them. And now, don’t shame me, I buy a bag basically every week. Jason doesn’t like pretzels but he also loves Dots! I’ve had the original and the Southwest flavors and you should stick with the original. The flavor is just too good.

  2. Primally Pure. This is an organic skin care brand. Of the three of us I’m probably the one that cares the least about going natural and all the hippy stuff but Primally Pure has really worked for me! I’ve always had really bad acne. I controlled it for a while with birth control but the last few years it’s started to come back. I started using Primally Pure and it’s so much better! I mean it’s still there but I had tried a million other products to make it go away and this has been the most helpful!

  3. And lastly, I’m currently obsessed with my AirPods/the new Airborne Toxic Event album. We just moved into a new building at work and it’s an even louder space than the previous one. I tried an off brand wireless headphone set because I’m cheap like that but the quality was too awful to bear. So I shelled out the funds for the real deal. The battery lasts a long time and I can usually get 2-3 days of work use out of one charge. My favorite band of all time is The Airborne Toxic Event. You need to listen to them. They just released a new album for the first time in years and I’m loving it! Kenzie bought gifted me tickets to go see them again in concert. We were supposed to go in May but obviously didn’t. So now we’re just waiting on the reschedule and until then I’ll be blasting their songs at top volume and trying not to sing along while at work.

Brenna’s Obsessions

  1. For starters, Topo Chico is my current jam… Actually it’s been at the top of my obsession list since I figured out that this tastes just as good with Deep Eddy’s or Tito’s as sprite does with literally no calories… I also like Topo with crystal light or just a bunch of limes. I’m not to the point where I drink it straight just yet. Getting there though.

  2. Nuun Hydration tablets are my new go-to when it comes to hydration! I tried these out when I first started OTF but could never find a flavor I really liked. However now I’m hooked on Wild Berry! I love it so much more as salty ass gatorade. So if you know you need to step up your hydration game, buy this stuff because it works.

  3. Next up we have Vanicream! I’m adding this to my holy grail list because it is easily the best moisturizer I have ever tried. Especially for people with sensitive skin, eczema or overall moody skin. It doesn’t have a smell and it’s not heavy at all. I even went as far to buy a literal jar of it and I use it on my body! Let me add in that I’m still obsessed with Bum Bum cream but that is expensive so I use it less but still love it just as much.


I know these two count as cheating, but I’m also loving Topo Chico and the new Airborne Toxic Event album. Just want that to go on the record. Here are my three though!

  1. I recently ordered Folk Magazine for the first time (the slow living issue) and I loved it! It’s a publication that really takes the time to put together a beautiful magazine/coffee table book. The stories are inspiring and real and the photographs are absolutely beautiful. They’re very affordable issues and are nice simple and quick reads. It definitely offers a sort of small escape from this weird world while being inspiring.

  2. Have y’all ever had apple nachos? It isn’t really a new thing for me, but I have been loving them recently. Literally, you slice some apples (Granny Smith are the best) and melt some peanut butter to drizzle over, then add caramel, chocolate chips, chopped nuts (I like pecans or almonds) and I like to hit it with a little coarse salt at the end just to be salt bae. Delish snack or sometimes dinner.

  3. I’m not sure if this one counts because I technically haven’t even tried it. However, I think it’s a wonderful idea and once I finally move out of my parents house and actually need to buy cleaning supplies, I’m definitely heading to Blueland. It’s a super eco-friendly company that sells cleaning supplies in tablet so all you do is buy the plastic bottle one time (or use one of your own glass ones) and then you refill with tablets that dissolve in plain tap water. The means less plastic heading to the landfills which is definitely a good thing!

Let us know if you’re currently obsessed with any of these things or what you’re really into these days! We’d love to hear from you on Instagram, and as always, thanks for reading!

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