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As the World Rambles On: July Edition

As the World Rambles On: July Edition

Written by: Brenna, Callie, and Kenzie

The world is still weird, but it feels like things are starting to swing back into a routine. The summer months are starting to wind down (I’m so ready for the fall weather) and we’ve been up to some relaxing, crafting, and trying new things. Read all about it!


I am shocked that July went by in a literal blink. It has definitely been the busiest month out of this entire quarantine/whatever we are in right now. Thank God, because I was starting to feel a little crazy.

 JT and I kicked off the month by going to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida with The Tidwells. We had a BLAST and I was sad to leave. There is really nothing better than spending a week at the beach, drinking yummy drinks, eating all the snacks and spending time with people who you hold very near and dear to your heart. Plus I really don’t know anyone cooler than Quinn! #shesthebest

 I house sat a lot this month, which is my favorite because the house I stay at is on a huge lot and it’s super quiet. Also you’re like a solid 15-20 minutes from stuff so it makes you question if you really want to leave or not. If I lived at that house I would probably never leave because it’s so peaceful. I know you’re probably thinking, “15-20 minutes isn’t a far drive at all” but y’all we live literally 5 minutes from the grocery store and maybe 7 from Target so yeah it’s further than what I’m used to. Plus they have the most precious dog ever and I love his snugs!

 We wrapped up the month by getting Mom and Phil married, y’all! It was easily one of the best days I’ve had this entire summer and I am SO happy for them. Not to mention the fact that I gained three stepsisters who are absolutely precious and sweet. I thought I would cry all the tears but I didn’t and I think that’s because I am so happy that mom has found someone who treats her so well. I debated writing this next sentence but #transparancy… I never once worried that I would lose mom in this next chapter of her life… If anything I feel closer to her and I think that’s because she’s seen every side of bringing two families together and only wants the best outcome… I could go on but you get the gist and I’m not here to give y’all an update on being a child of divorce almost 11 years later. #itstillsucks #forgivenessishardforme

Oh and in between all of those big fun activities, I was recruited to decorate two rooms at our school and I cannot wait to show y’all the finished product. Did I forget to take before pictures? Of course, but you can just imagine what an undecorated school room looks like… BORING. I had such a blast bringing new life to these rooms and once school starts, I will do a post.


Y’all. I’m going to go ahead and apologize for how utterly boring this life update it going to be. Like for real. Sorry.

I feel like all I’ve done is work in July. It' was still such a crazy month there and with a new employee, trying to move to a new location and dealing with new products that are selling out as fast as we can stock them (ie masks and hand sanitizers) it’s been insane. And I’m actually pretty drained as of late. I’ve never really understood that Sunday Scaries thing but now I totally get it.

Side business Etsy has been steadily chugging along. This last weekend we actually got quite a few orders in which is really exciting and will give me things to do this week.

Two good things did happen in July. For the fourth we went to the ranch to be with Jason’s family and their annual 4th of July tradition is to go into town and watch the parade. Well obviously the parade was cancelled this year. So they decided to make their own floats and parade around the pond at the ranch! His sisters went SO HARD decorating their floats. They were so cute and the kids had a great time being in the “parade”. It was a ton of fun although hot.

The second one is that we went back to Conroe for another weekend too. We went to Hodge Podge Lodge for dinner where Brenna and our aunt met us (we were celebrating Mom’s birthday) and then we all went back to the house and had cake and sat at the table talking like old times. it was lovely.


July started out like every other month, making some fabulous Independence Day desserts and a really pretty charcuterie board that I’m still thinking about. Other than that I did some crafts and enjoyed some nature, pretty much the usual stuff, but I do actually have two big pieces of news!

Number one, I’ve been promoted at work to an assistant manager role! It’s been interesting learning more about the business side and taking on more responsibility around the restaurant, plus I still get to bake and decorate the cake as well as some other pastry things which I’m really glad for. The cakes are my favorite part and now I can focus more on them instead of being rushed through to get to all my other pastry things. So, there’s my first news.

Here’s the second: Galavants Coffee is finally open! As of yesterday, the coffee cart that Brad and I have been working super hard on for nearly 7 or 8 months (something like that) is open. We built it literally from the ground up, invested lots of time and even more energy and effort into it and went through lots of rigamarole with paperwork and permits and where we can even set up and finally it’s all done. And here we are! I’m so proud of Brad for sticking with it and following through and I gotta say I’m even proud of myself.

I feel like this is the beginning of something really cool and it’s just super cool that it’s finished. I’ll probably write more on this journey later on if it’s something people would find interesting but I just wanted to announce that it’s open! And we did it! (If you want to have some kickass coffee, come by 1226 N San Jacinto in Conroe!)

In August, I’m just hoping to expand and grow Galavants, learn some more stuff at the restaurant, and even work on new projects and ventures. Callie and I will be at a farmer’s market in November in Montgomery so we’ll be busy making some cool stuff to sell and hope to see y’all there!

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