Photo Aug 18, 6 58 38 PM.jpg

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As the World Rambles on: September Edition

As the World Rambles on: September Edition

Written by Callie, Kenzie, and Brenna


Another month come and gone. Let’s get into the happenings.

Jason and I went to the ranch a couple of times this last month for some of the kids birthdays which was fun! Jason’s family is big into card games and all his sisters and mom are really competitive and get into the games. Which makes it really entertaining to watch but I’m not particularly good at the main card game they play so I don’t join in much. But they introduced us to a new domino game that I am adequate at and they all like too so it’s been fun to have a game to play with them! Jason rebuilt a go cart a while ago and then we picked up a small four wheeler at an estate sale that he just redid to make it electric and the kids love riding around on those things at the ranch! Oh and me and the girls made sunflower crowns while we were there too!

We also went to Austin for a small basically-staycation with the family (and of course Brenna and Claire). It was probably the most “boring” vacation we’ve ever done like we had no plans to go anywhere besides the pool and honestly it was pretty great! Still ready to go on our out of country trip next year though so the world better get it together again!

Other than that Jason and I have been making things for Etsy and the farmer’s market that we’ll be doing in November (it’ll be November 7th in downtown Montgomery if anyone wants to come out and see us!). Oh!! and the coral vine that I planted at my house in Fort Worth is FINALLY blooming. Which I am very very excited about. Also, I did my first giveaway with other creators on Instagram for LPC which was super fun so hope to do more of that in the future!


September has been absolutely bonkers. I feel like I have been so so busy. Galavants has really been picking up and the support from our family, friends, neighbors, and strangers has been absolutely overwhelming and Brad and I are so thankful! It’s a lot of fun, but also a lot of work but overall we are learning and growing so much and that makes it a huge success to me.

Work at Flour-ish has also really picked up. I feel like the holiday season is going to be ridiculous, but we’re not even there yet so I can only imagine! We have these really cute charcuterie board available for pre-order so that little project was really fun to work on, and of course decorating the cakes is always fun!

I also kicked off September by making 2 cakes for my friend’s wedding which was super nerve-wracking, but they turned out great! I’ll also be making another wedding cake in October and am definitely still accepting orders for custom cakes and desserts if anyone is needing something special!

Other than that, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the weather! I am so ready for the cold to be here to stay and all the cozy activities. I’ve also been crafting quite a bit more because Callie and I will be doing a farmer’s market in Montgomery the first weekend in November which is exciting. We’ll have all the cool stuff Callie and Jason make and then lots of handmade goods, Christmas decor, and great gifts.

Looking forward to the holidays, cold weather, and cuddles with Apollo.


Here we are again. Another month where I literally blinked and it was over. Not because I was busy or anything which is the sad part. These months are just flying by (thankfully for this shitshow of a year)! I kicked off this month with face to face kiddos in the morning and virtual students in the afternoons… That has been the most interesting thing ever and I cant wait for more of my sweet little friends to come back next Tuesday because my afternoons are so lonely.

I feel like I really don’t have a lot to report for y’all. Which is sad but the reality is that I’ve just been hunkered down and grinding it out at school or OTF. Not complaining though because it beats being stuck at home all day like we were.

So I kicked off the month by turning 28. JT and I went to Truluck’s for dinner because I only wanted brussel sprouts for dinner, however they stopped serving them. So we did oysters instead. (Who the heck am I?) My team celebrated me with breakfast and goodies which is always a treat! I am so lucky to be a part of such a solid team!

I spent a lot of time shopping with mom on the weekend and being lazy on Sunday afternoons. I forgot what that feels like and honestly I’m here for it.

I tagged along to Austin with the Rankins (where I managed to not take one single picture… #livinginthemoment) and like Callie said, it was so nice literally having no plan other than hanging out playing dominoes and having beverages. We all get so caught up in stuff that we forget to just pause for a moment. I think we all needed that trip more than we realized.

I wrapped up the month by participating in my 4th Dri-Tri at Orangetheory. I felt like I had a chance at placing but also I felt like I was getting ahead of myself… However I had a goal to beat and wound up placing 3rd overall for women so that was badass. Now I know what I need to do to move up in the leaderboard for the spring edition! In case you were wondering, you row 2000M, complete 300 reps of bodyweight exercises and wrap it up by running a 5k on the treads. Absolutely brutal but so worth it.

So that’s about it for me this month. I honestly really didn’t take a lot of blog worthy photos so you can just imagine me having all kinds of fun. lol

As the World Rambles On: October Edition

As the World Rambles On: October Edition

The best parts of autumn...

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